Tree Paste

Tree Paste

Rudolf Steiner considered the trunk of a tree an extension of the root and soil and so visualized the trunks as a “transitional” area for treatments to improve tree health and productivity.


If you have a good local source of sticky clay, that is the best. You can also take a “clayier” soil and strain it to get the clay component, but that can be a lot of work.

Cow Manure

Fresh or composted cow manure. BD500, or barrel compost can provide the beneficial microbes and nutrition to help heal wounds and fend off pathogenic fungi.


River sand. Silica is critical in biodynamics, yet several sources suggest substituting sand with lime, siliceous rock, or diatomaceous earth. These components provide silica and other minerals, as well as providing a binding agent.


  • Clay – 33%
  • River Sand – 33lbs
  • Cow Manure or Barrel compound – 33%
  • Equisetum tea

Mix dry ingredients well.

Make Equisetum tea (diluent)

  • Add one (1) gallon simmering rainwater to four (4) units BD508 (dried horsetail). Allow to simmer and cool. Strain when ready to use.
  • Tree Wash – use prepared tea to wash the trunk and limbs before applying the tree paste. Apply liberally and allow to dry.
  • Add diluent to the dry ingredients until it reaches a “pastey” consistency. Mix for 20 minutes in one direction. Strain if needed to remove any large particles.
  • You can add other ingredients that you deem important such as finely ground, toasted eggshells, pest peppers, or oils.

Apply liberally to the tree architecture from the ground up into the canopy or scaffold branches.


Certainly, there are variations on this theme. We can change proportions, add different ingredients, add the biodynamic preparations, etc. to address specific needs at specific times of the year by influencing the life forces. Even the timing of application can be considered. In the spring we want to encourage greater awakening or enlivening by using a fresher manure, whereas… In the fall, we want to encourage more astralic or hardening influences through the use of a composted or aged manure.

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